onsdag 5 november 2008

Then let thy love be younger than thyself,Or thy affection cannot hold the bent.

okey, just so you guys know. Lina, Astrd and I have started a blog together

palglow.blogspot.com - not sure if the link will work....
Do you wanna know something. okey like 2 weeks ago mom told me to watch a movie cos she thought it was really good. and then i watched it and it was REALLY good and i mean AMAZINGLY good! and i watched it a lot and i really like it and there was a character in it. the count orsino(his first name is duke, hahaha) and i liked him a lot. he was funny and acted really well and he wasnt too bad-looking(like not drop-dead gorgeous but kinda cute) and a few days i found out that he's gonna be in robin hood series 3!!!! hes gonna play prince john. omg can you believe. first we'll have richard armitage as sir guy(<3) and the toby stephens as prince john!!! im SO happy. when i found out i kinda started screaming really loud and my little brother stefan got a bit scared:P anyways...great movie!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll post some pictures from it:)

okey you might wanna hear what its about. or you might not. anyways. its about 2 twins, viola and sebastian. oh and u probably should know its shakespeare. anyways. theyre on a ship that sinks but theyre both saved by different people so both think that the other one is dead. viola pretends to be a man to get a job at the count orsinos court because he only (for some sexistic reason) employs men. orsino is in love with the fair olivia and uses viola as a messenger to tell her of his love. olivia however does not in the least love orsino and uses her brothers death as a reason not to marry him. but orsino keeps sending messages through viola or cesario as she's called as a man and olivio falls in love with cesario. meanwhile cesario falls in love with the count. then violas brother shows up at olivias house and olivia asks him to marry her. sebastian can hardly believe his luck and marries her directly. then cesario and the count come while sebastian is away and olivia confronts cesario about the marriage(because she thinks that she has married cesario) and wants her to leave the counts service. finally sebastian shows up and all is explained and the count falls in love with viola:) okey that was probably a VERY wierd explanation. anyways ive only told you part of the movie. you should see it sometime. but astrid hated it:)