tisdag 30 september 2008

evrything's gonna bee allright

okey so now ive called the principal and im coming to visit on thursday. that'll be fun except for the fact that thry have p.e. that day but i'll have to take it:( and i just find out that 1 of my friends at my school was 1 of the people i used to play aith when i was smaller:P i dont remember her but mum does:P fancy that! and today is johannas bithday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. ok gotta go, mum's trying to sleep

söndag 28 september 2008

i would rather die than marry you, guy of gisborne!

okey im in mourning. yesterday marion died. shes so incredibly stupid! i mean she walked up, un-armed, to a guy with a sword that loved her and told him he didnt stand a chance of winning and that she was in love with and was going to marry his worst enemy! and shes surprised he killed her! but the series wont be the same without her... and the next seasons not coming till 2009:( but im gonna by the first season and learn it off by heart... by the way i now know pride and prejudice(the 5½hour 1) off by heart... :D i like that series. gonna buy another series with the guy who plays sir guy... hes so amazing...gonna do my presentation on him today...well theres probably not any point in doing it as i'm not gonna be staying in this school for long...hopefully anyways but i still want to. i have science in 45 minutes and i have to print my english notes so i'd better go now...

my inspiration blew up

its really hard to think of stuff to write. im exhausted cos ive only slept for 7½ hours and u know me, i dont function on less than 9... going to devon's in a couple of hours to watch the last episope of robin hood with her. I know im gonna cry. its just so horrible cos i mean she and guy were soooo cute together!!! but she did kind of deserve it...just finished my english presentation on the guy who plays ir Sir Guy. haha that ws a bit weird, guy who plays sir guy...oh well as u understand im very tired its probably not funny at all... okey gotta get back to work... but if im not gonna tay at this school whats the point??? okey i'll just do some robin hood trivia on facebook:)

torsdag 25 september 2008

maybe i'll throw all my clothes into a waterfall

tonight i'm going to a taco night. i like tacos:) but the problem is that i have a german test tomorrow and i think i should do well on it but i could also do really badly cos i dont know all the words we've learned. pray for me!!! and i just cant study anymore! i cant take it. u know the feeling when uv overstudied something! well yeah ive got that times a 1000! oooo im so tired. was looking forward to a sleep in til 8 this morning. well mum called at 7 04 and said we had to let isak in!!! and then he and kristoffer were blabbing at the computer, really loudly of course! o im totally going crazy. I CANT TAKE IT. i havent slept properly for 3 days!!! i hate my life!!!

onsdag 24 september 2008

and leadeth us not into temptation

yesterday i couldnt stand it anymore, i wanted to see exactly how marion died so I WATCHED THE CLIPS FROM THE LAST EPISODE. im going to stop saying marion shouldnt have died because it was totally her own fault! i mean she was so stupid! she told gisborne, she didnt love him and would rather die than marry him and that she loved robin hood! i mean how stupid can u get and she still expected him not tokill her and leave the king alone. i mean come on how blonde can u get! (shes a brunette but who cares) anyways, today my train home was 40 minutes late so i missed my piano lesson:( i hate trains!

tisdag 23 september 2008

High, or low, Fast or slow?

sorry i havent written in ages!!! its just theres always sooo much going on, history homework, english project, math homework etc... and im not even going to ib!!! oh well found a group thingymajig called addicted to robin hood, its really fun cos theres lots of quizzes and stuff and i did a quiz to find out who the perfect guy for me was and it was guy(L) then in another quiz the question was could u be robin hoods girlfriend and first i got yes totally so then i changed my answers :P and then it said that me and guy were perfect together. only 5 days left till marion dies:(:(:( im gonna cry for hours and hours. good thing im sleeping over at devons:) yeah my schools fun though, i like the classes and german is so much fun but now the tests are starting :'( oh well, just waiting for week 44 9 days of sleep-ins!!!! omg i love school and all but im exhausted when i get home. still cant get over actually having seen ola salo live!!! i'll try to blog tomorrow but its really hard to fin the time for it cos im always doing some assignment or other:(

tisdag 16 september 2008

Its a royal kind of wham-bam figure

im so exhausted but i have to do homework soon. dyed my hair yesterday(always accidentally write died:P) and it didnt miscolour but it look basically the same. the colours called champagne:P anyways so no im a tenny bit mor blonde than before but its not that different. i highlighted stefans hair too a bit cos i had som much for my hair i thought that i might as well put some of the stuff in his and it actually looks really good! a bit like racing stripes. ive decided i want to be an actor but first i have to get an education for another job just in case. was practicing crying scenes on the train with freja an devon so i was looking depressed and trying to make my eyes water. they asked if anything was wrong and why i looked so gloomy. I ROCK!!!:D anyways karen's online so i'm gonna chat for a bit

måndag 15 september 2008

i feel so hippy, hoppy, happy

okey got my hair cut yesterday and its pretty short(sorry to disappoint u guys who liked it long) and curly and poofy and tonight im gonna dye it back blonde which will be interesting. HOPE IT DOESNT MISCOLOUR!!! okey what do u guys wanna do cos we have to meet up for a real talk-evening at someones house. anyone wanna have a party??... okey anyways try to write more tomorrow

lördag 13 september 2008

pink party

everyone who wants to come is invited to my pink party, 15 november... just gonna clarify why i have a swedish and an english blog... i' got an english blog originally so my english friends could read it and i thought id write different stuff in it cos they wouldnt really know that muych swedish geography or cultutre so when id write id write where the paces where in sweden or describe them more and stuff. okey cant write much longer. i'll write more on monday in school, hopefully somethings happened by then...

torsdag 11 september 2008

We are all robin hoods

okey i really have to start blogging more often its just i never have time. im gonna start blogging in school too. we have lots of essays and stuff and now my familys coming home so i wont be long blogging... watching friends now and thats alright but yeah im just longing for sunday to come<333 robin hood 18 00 on sunday. i love it so much... had school photos and i looked horrible! i hope youre all still reading my english and swedish blogs??? please comment so i know... english totally sucks cos the english teacher cant speak inglish. once i wrote up all weird stuff that she said and shes said among other things whoops-a-daisy. stop that it bothers me a lot. wait til i give u the green light. hush now! do i need to say anything else! she totally sucks. i want to meet up wit all u guys. waddaya say??? okey gottago now. hope i'll write more the day after tomorrow. we're going ice-skating for p.e. tomorrow. dont you think the teachers a bit pessimistic! i mean its only september! no just kidding, inside rink of course okey i'll write more soon. bye