tisdag 23 september 2008

High, or low, Fast or slow?

sorry i havent written in ages!!! its just theres always sooo much going on, history homework, english project, math homework etc... and im not even going to ib!!! oh well found a group thingymajig called addicted to robin hood, its really fun cos theres lots of quizzes and stuff and i did a quiz to find out who the perfect guy for me was and it was guy(L) then in another quiz the question was could u be robin hoods girlfriend and first i got yes totally so then i changed my answers :P and then it said that me and guy were perfect together. only 5 days left till marion dies:(:(:( im gonna cry for hours and hours. good thing im sleeping over at devons:) yeah my schools fun though, i like the classes and german is so much fun but now the tests are starting :'( oh well, just waiting for week 44 9 days of sleep-ins!!!! omg i love school and all but im exhausted when i get home. still cant get over actually having seen ola salo live!!! i'll try to blog tomorrow but its really hard to fin the time for it cos im always doing some assignment or other:(

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