torsdag 25 september 2008

maybe i'll throw all my clothes into a waterfall

tonight i'm going to a taco night. i like tacos:) but the problem is that i have a german test tomorrow and i think i should do well on it but i could also do really badly cos i dont know all the words we've learned. pray for me!!! and i just cant study anymore! i cant take it. u know the feeling when uv overstudied something! well yeah ive got that times a 1000! oooo im so tired. was looking forward to a sleep in til 8 this morning. well mum called at 7 04 and said we had to let isak in!!! and then he and kristoffer were blabbing at the computer, really loudly of course! o im totally going crazy. I CANT TAKE IT. i havent slept properly for 3 days!!! i hate my life!!!

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