torsdag 11 september 2008

We are all robin hoods

okey i really have to start blogging more often its just i never have time. im gonna start blogging in school too. we have lots of essays and stuff and now my familys coming home so i wont be long blogging... watching friends now and thats alright but yeah im just longing for sunday to come<333 robin hood 18 00 on sunday. i love it so much... had school photos and i looked horrible! i hope youre all still reading my english and swedish blogs??? please comment so i know... english totally sucks cos the english teacher cant speak inglish. once i wrote up all weird stuff that she said and shes said among other things whoops-a-daisy. stop that it bothers me a lot. wait til i give u the green light. hush now! do i need to say anything else! she totally sucks. i want to meet up wit all u guys. waddaya say??? okey gottago now. hope i'll write more the day after tomorrow. we're going ice-skating for p.e. tomorrow. dont you think the teachers a bit pessimistic! i mean its only september! no just kidding, inside rink of course okey i'll write more soon. bye

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I'm still reading your blog!
But why do you have an english one AND a swedish? It's not like any of your friends doesn't understand english writing? Or is it?
Ignore my grammar ^^ i wrote some grammar error on peter's blog yesterday... and what can i say, he let me know it the day after in school :P

Anonym sa...

of course i'm still reading. I miss you.

Anonym sa...

I´m still reading to :D